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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Board Members

The Health Facilities and Services Review Board has eleven voting members. The Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoints voting members for a term of three years.  Beginning March 1, 2010, each voting member can serve a maximum of three terms and remain in office until his or her successor is appointed.  When appointing voting members, the Governor should give consideration to those who reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the State.

The Board also has three non-voting ex-officio members:  one representative each from the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, and the Department of Public Health.


All voting members are required to Illinois residents, and at least four must reside outside the Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area.  Each voting member shall have a reasonable knowledge of the practice, procedures and principles of the health care delivery system in Illinois.  At least five voting members shall be knowledgeable about health care delivery systems, health systems planning, finance, or the management of health care facilities currently regulated under the Act. One voting member shall be a representative of a non-profit health care consumer advocacy organization.  One member shall be a representative from the community with experience on the effects of discontinuing health care services or the closure of health care facilities on the surrounding community; provided, however, that all other members of the Board shall be appointed before this member shall be appointed.

Voting Board members cannot be convicted felons and cannot have pled guilty to a felony.

A voting member's spouse or immediate family member cannot be an employee, agent, or under contract with services or facilities subject to the Health Facilities Planning Act. Prior to appointment and in the course of service on the Board, voting Board members shall disclose the employment or other financial interest of any other relative, if known, in a service or facility subject to the Act. Voting Board members shall declare any conflict of interest that may exist with respect to the status of those relatives and recuse themselves from voting on any issue for which a conflict of interest is declared. 


  • 11 voting members appointed by the Governor
  • 3 non-voting ex-officio members
    • Secretary of Human Services
    • Director of Healthcare and Family Services
    • Director of Public Health 


Display Order Member Name Position Affiliation
